Birth of an Idea

This unique local caring concept was born out of a series of thoughts and moments. It advanced slowly, but with determination to become what you are discovering today. We believe in radical transparency, so… here comes the birth of this idea…

The first thought?

All this project started because I wanted to help Lyubomila (The Wild Animals) get her animals’ veterinary clinic.

I simply wanted to help.

I simply cared, because what she does with such dedication is beyond awesome!

I’m not just a dreamer, I think I’m a simple plain and proud “Care Human”***. :)

*** Yes, each time I remember the amazing Care Bears of my youth, I have a gentle positive smile, how about you? 🥰

The second thought?

As an IT entrepreneur, I’m faced with the very same challenge, year after year since 1995: quality recruitment.

Some say it’s getting more difficult year after year, but for me nothing has really changed. Finding the gems has always been a wonderful and delicate HR challenge.

I continuously need to recruit specialists, and I have reached a point where I couldn't stand anymore the classical way: recruitment agencies, recruitment websites…

I thought to myself: “I need something better than this! Something is not working anymore with the classical way… The world has changed!” 🤔

The third thought?

Immediately, because our creative brains are magic, my next thought was “How to help Lyubomila with this idea?”, “How to make it as the Care Human I am?”.

And then deep thinking started for a long while, with quiet periods, intense periods, obsessive agonizing frustrating periods… I’m sure you know this feeling!

Ultimately, that led to the fourth thought, the original birth of this concept.

When I had it, I smiled, feeling a deep warmth in my heart.
To celebrate this moment, I offered myself a delicious green tea!
I remembered my philosophy university time, when I was devouring “An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding” by David Hume… fascinated by his definition of imagination using as an illustration the centaur, created from the merging of a human and a horse...

Yes, I had my centaur!

IT people are usually looking for unicorns, I was simply daydreaming about a centaur! 🐣

The fourth thought?

In a very competitive market like IT is, the true power is in the Professionals’ hands and nowhere else… and everyone pretends it’s not the case… even the Professionals themselves!

And this thought is valid for all industries! No matter what “we/they” say.

And all the recruitment intermediaries are cashing out on their backs, and the Professionals get 0 in the process.

I want to help humans find a job while caring for our community!

And after a few iterations, the initial concept was finally born!

BOONTIZ offers bounties for the jobs in the most modern, brief, elegant, in-your-face, transparent, honest way possible.

Nothing complicated, all crystal simple!

Companies drop their ads within seconds with the bounty and donation they are willing to offer.

And everyone locally feels the powerful healing factor of common good!

We simply redirect the companies’ recruitment budgets to their teams and our beloved local community! :)